Thursday, July 28, 2011

In Mac OS X, how do I search for an address in the ADS Global Address List?

In Mac OS X, you can connect to Indiana University's Exchange server with Address Book. Once connected, applications that use Address Book's data (e.g., Mac OS X Mail) can look up names and email addresses in the Global Address List (GAL). You can also search directly from the Address Book.
Note: UITS has not tested these instructions with previous versions of Mac OS X, and recommends that you upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

Address Book configuration

Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

Note: You can only use the Address Book to search the Global Address List in Snow Leopard and Lion if you have a Microsoft Exchange account.
  1. Open Address Book, normally located in your Applications folder.
  2. From the Address Book menu, select Preferences... .
  3. At the top of the resulting window, click the Accounts tab.
  4. Click the + (plus sign) to add a new account. In the sheet that drops down, configure the settings as follows:

    Account type:Select Exchange (10.7) or Exchange 2007 (10.6).
    Full name:Enter your name.
    Email address:Enter your IU email address (e.g., )
    Password:Enter your Network ID passphrase.

    Once you've entered all your information, click Create.
  5. Confirm your information is correct in the Account Summary. If you don't want to add your Exchange settings to iCal and Mail, uncheck the appropriate boxes. Then, click Create.

Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

  1. Open Address Book, normally located in your Applications folder.
  2. From the Address Book menu, select Preferences... .
  3. At the top of the resulting window, click the LDAP tab.
  4. Click the + (plus sign) to add a new server. In the sheet that drops down, configure the settings as follows:

    Name:IU (or provide a name of your choosing)
    Port:Check Use SSL and Allow self-signed certificates. In the field, enter 3269 .
    Search Base:dc=ads,dc=iu,dc=edu (Note that there are no spaces after the commas.)
    Auth Type:Simple
    User name:ads\username , where username is your IU Network ID username
    Password:Your IU Network ID passphrase
  5. Click Save.

Mail configuration

Once you have set up Address Book, to access the GAL from Mail:
  1. Open OS X Mail, and from the Mail menu, select Preferences... .
  2. In the toolbar at the top of the window, click Composing.
  3. Make sure Automatically complete addresses is checked.
When you compose a new email message, as you type in names or addresses in the addressing fields, Mail will attempt to complete them using the GAL.

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