Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Using built-in VPN for Mac OS 10.3 or Later(Microsoft VPN)

To use the VPN service on the Mac OS 10.3 or greater to connect to a Microsoft based VPN perform the following steps:
Note: If you connect to the Internet via dialup, you should establish a connection before you attempt to create a VPN connection.
  1. Click on your Hard Disk
  2. Click on Applications
  3. Click on Internet
  4. Click on VPN (lock) on top
  5. Click on PPTP and then Click Continue
  6. For Server Address, type the address of your department's Microsoft based VPN
  7. For Account Name, use the account name assigned by the VPN's network administrator
  8. For Password, use the password supplied by the the VPN's network administrator
  9. You may wish to click Show VPN status in menu bar if you wish to see it and are going to use the VPN service multiple times.
  10. Click Connect
If you checked have the VPN icon in your top menu bar, you may click on it to connect at any time. The system will ask for your password again.

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