Friday, July 29, 2011

Why does OS X Lion ask for my password whenever I delete a file in my home directory?

 I updated to Mac OS Lion and now every time I delete any file it asks me for my password. Any file - be it on the Desktop, in the Downloads folder or in any other place. It asks me for my password every time.
That behaviour is annoying. Is it the new default? Or there is something wrong?
For example: this file, which is located on the desktop.
➜  Desktop  l | grep terminal
-rw-r--r--@   1 Nerian  staff   841913 22 jul 14:16 terminal.png
Seems that quite a lot of people are having the same issue:
I can delete the same file – a screenshot in the desktop – using the terminal and I am not prompted for a password. If I use the GUI then I am prompted.
Also, If I create a new account and make a new screenshot and try to delete everything works just fine. No password required.
When I am prompted for my password and I write it, the file is then deleted yet it doesn't appear in the bin.

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